
Wednesday, October 12, 2016


She is a paradox
One moment she said yes
Next moment she said no

She is a paradox
She allowed people to do things
But when the things are done
She told you the opposite

She is a paradox
One moment a thought come to her mind
And she voiced it out
Next moment an opposite thought come to her mind
And she voiced it out

She is a paradox
For when you asked
Which one is better
"I'm confused"
She said

She is a paradox
For she made decision so quickly
And judge people so easily
Yet she convinced you to think carefully
And to never judge

She is a paradox
For she easily got influenced
When she should have believed
in herself

She is a paradox
For she knew how long it took
Yet she shut her eye
And she closed her ears

She is a paradox
For thinking that everything is so simple
When she knew very well
How complicated it is

She is a paradox
For she thought you are not doing anything
When you have sacrificed your weekend
And lend her an extra hand

She is a paradox
For she thought that you are a paradox
When she herself
is a paradox

October 2016

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