
Friday, May 06, 2016

Rangga dan Impian Masa Remaja

Beberapa minggu terakhir, sedang semangat-semangatnya menulis. Kalau tidak sempat menulis disini, saya selalu menulis di caption Instagram, di moment Path, di Twitter atau paling banter di kepala. Duh, kalau di kepala sih sudah banyak sekali yang ingin ditulis, tapi saking banyaknya, harus menunggu satu per satu.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya nonton Ada Apa dengan Cinta  (AADC 2?), sebuah film yang sudah sempat vakum 14 tahun lamanya. Hm, apa ya istilahnya, bukan vakum sih. Saat AADC pertama muncul, saya masih umur 8 tahun. Saya nonton beberapa tahun kemudian, saat SMP sepertinya, atau SMA ya? Sepertinya nonton di televisi sih, karena saat itu internet belum secepat dan semudah sekarang.

Waktu saya menonton, dan mencapai bagian ending-nya, yaudah saya cuma bisa berangan-angan Cinta dan Rangga pada akhirnya bisa bersatu. Semakin saya besar, saya rasa ya sudahlah, mungkin Cinta sama Rangga itu cuma cinta monyet. Setelah Rangga ke New York dan Cinta tetap di Jakarta, yaudah jalanin hidup masing-masing, atau mungkin sempet jalan sebentar tapi Cinta-nya nggak tahan LDR-an.

Tapi kemudian dua tahun yang lalu, LINE dengan brilian-nya ngumpulin Geng Mading sama Rangga lewat fitur LINE Alumni dan mempertemukan Cinta sama Rangga. Saya rasa, film pendek itu turut berkontribusi besar untuk meningkatkan hype-nya AADC lagi. Mulailah banyak orang yang menonton ulang AADC ((termasuk saya)) dan mulailah banyak orang yang mempertanyakan gimana kelanjutan kehidupan asmara Cinta dan Rangga. 

14 tahun. Setelah 14 tahun lamanya, barulah akhirnya kita mengetahui bagaimana kelanjutan kisah mereka. Saya nggak mau bilang akhir kisah karena, bisa saja kisah itu terus berlanjut, dalam bayang-bayang di kepala kita atau mungkin bayang-bayang produser lain yang bermaksud menggarap spin-off ceritanya.

Saya nggak mau terlalu banyak bahas tentang film-nya, tapi saya mau bilang satu hal, saya suka. Meskipun ada beberapa part yang missing dan saya pertanyakan, tapi saya tetap suka. Semua karakternya masih sama, sifat mereka dari SMA tidak banyak yang berubah dan senangnya karena semua pemainnya tetap sama. Sedihnya karena cerita AADC2 dan AADC di LINE nggak berkesinambungan. Saya pikir bakal ada korelasinya, tapi ternyata lebih seperti ada parallel world gitu. AADC 12 tahun kemudian versi LINE dan AADC2 14 tahun kemudian versi produser aslinya.

Meskipun Rangga sosoknya galau abis-abisan, dan Cinta anaknya drama banget ((mungkin bisa jadi itu yang bikin mereka cocok ya haha)), tapi sejujurnya Rangga itu tipe lelaki yang memikat saya. Rangga yang dulu SMA maupun Rangga yang kini sudah lebih tua.

Saya selalu bayangin kalau suatu saat nanti jalan dengan pasangan ke tempat-tempat yang nggak biasa seperti itu. Pergi ke pasar buku bekas dan hunting buku bareng ((walaupun beda genre)), pergi ke galeri dan bahas soal karya-karya disana, pergi ke kedai kopi sambil duduk lesehan leyeh-leyeh, travelling ke tempat yang nggak biasa untuk mengejar matahari terbit, menonton pertunjukkan teater, dan hal-hal absurd lainnya yang lebih dari sebatas pergi ke mal atau kafe atau bioskop seperti umumnya anak muda jaman sekarang.

Tapi sampai sekarang, kok belum ya saya ketemu lelaki macam Rangga yang rasanya bakal nyambung banget kalau saya ajak pergi kemana-mana dan ngobrolin ini itu ((minus K-pop mungkin, kayaknya dia bakal mencibir dan menertawakan saya haha)). Apalagi saya bayangin kalau kita ke acara bazar buku macam Big Bad Wolf bareng-bareng, waaaah, kayaknya kita bisa kalap dan gila sama-sama deh HAHAHA.

yaudah tuh kan, saya ujung-ujungnya mengawang-awang dan bermimpi-mimpi menemukan sosok semacam Rangga minus kegalauan dan ke-cool-annya yang berle. haha. tapi sumpah ya, saya bakal girang banget kalau orang kasih saya hadiah puisi yang dia tulis sendiri, dibandingkan beliin barang aneh-aneh yang fancy dan ujungnya nggak terpakai. Saya anaknya terlalu sentimentil sih :')

Tambahan lagi, saya suka banget sama soundtrack AADC2 ini. Melly Goeslaw memang kalau bikin soundtrack film itu, keren-keren sekali ya. Terus yang musik rap di Jogja itu, waaah, baru pertama kali menderngar musik upbeat tapi menggunakan bahasa daerah dan menurut saya menarik banget.

Gimana menurut pendapat teman-teman yang sudah pada nonton AADC2? Do you like it?

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Meeting the Cha Cha Cha Siblings

Since it's the long weekend right now, I can laze around a bit, even though, well, actually there are so many things I have to do that is job related and there are also so many books i want to read and a drama i want to start ((Descendants of the Sun!!!)) But I have been in the mood of watching variety show lately.

Each week, my regular show will be Hello Counselor. I just love love love it so much. Most of the times, I will also watch The Return of Superman, This afternoon, after watching the latest Hello Counselor while eating my lunch, I saw the thumbnail of Cha Taehyun and his kids on the suggested video. I clicked it after I finished with Hello Counselor and has had a good laugh after that.

Even though I am not a regular viewer of 2 Days 1 Night, I watched it every now and then, especially because of the guests ^^ haha, and also the bond between the cast member and the PD-nim. I think they are just hilarious especially with the PD and staffs making appearance every now and then.

Anyway, this episode after they part with Kim Joohyuk who left the show, they invited special guests to the show which are none other than Taehyun's kids. I have seen them a couple of times in 2d1n as well and they are soooo adorable.

His oldest kid, the boy Suchan is very witty and smart and full of energy! He often made comments that cracked me up and he is very nice as well. I love how he keeps on getting food during the lunch for the uncles. Her second child, Taeeun is soooo adorable and girly, she laughs on almost everything and doesn't really throw a fit. Sujin showed up in the beginning of the show and she is such a cutie pie. Also, it's so lovely seeing how Suchan cared for his sisters when their dad is gone for awhile to return the chicks.

Speaking of chicks, Suchan is so determined to eat chicken that day hahaha. From raising the chick into chickens and getting a chicken into a fire lol. I am just in the first part now, and I think I will marathon many 2d1n past episodes as well. I am thinking of watching The Return of Superman when Taehyun's daughters had a playdate with Uhm Taewoong's daughter, Jion.

Also, as the only member of 2d1n who has had a family, I gotta say I adore Taehyun so much. I think he is such a family-man. And even though he seemed to take care about his daughters more because they are younger, I think he is a nice father. I saw in the internet that he married his high school sweetheart who is now a mother of his three children and I think that is kind of sweet :'>

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

thirteen that feels like seventeen

So, in between waiting for the feedback of my design work-in-progress, I decided to watch a couple of the special stage from the 500th episode of Show! Music Core. I started by watching BtoB's performance of "You're the Best" and Mamamoo performing "It's Okay". Yes, they are exchanging songs and that's kind of adorable. I then watched the rookie perform "Growl" and after that UP10TION with the Boy Group Medley.

It is only natural that I clicked into the Girl Group Medley. I am 100% sure that I read the word SEVENTEEN beside the title. But seeing the thumbnail, my mind kind of deceived me to think that the boy there is Ren from Nu'est! That's why when the song started, I was like, what the? who are these people, they are not Nu'est? And then I remembered again that they are SEVENTEEN hahahhaa.

So, I am actually not that super big fan of SEVENTEEN ((yet, because who knows if I change my mind after this)). I do listen to their song like "Mansae" and "Adore U" but that's it. Also, don't ask me which member is which because I certainly can not tell. But I do know Vernon because of his appearance in Show Me the Money.

Anyhow, there are like thirteen of them ((only one more person from original EXO members for comparison)) but the stage looks extremely chaotic - in a funny way. I mean like, their performance are pretty good but they look like super crowded. haha, maybe because they are not singing their own song. Also, oh god, I cringed when they sang "I Scream, You Scream" lol.

Ah, this post should have been posted last week, but I have another job that has to be finished so this post is buried in the draft. I guess that I might as well post this before I forgot.